Welcome to RIVANNA.

Based on your Accuro serial number, choose from the following two download options:

If your Accuro serial number is less than 001-00900, please download the following files. (NOTE: All files should contain 7586 in the file name.)

Software Upgrade Files
License File
OPK File
CHK File

If your Accuro serial number is greater than 001-00900, please download the following files. (NOTE: All files should contain 7764 in the file name.)

Software Upgrade Files
License File
OPK File
CHK File

Accuro software update installation instructions:

Select your current operating system to view customized installation instructions. Ensure that your device is fully charged before updating your device. The upgrade process may take 30 minutes or more during which you will not be able to use your Accuro. All settings will be restored to default after the upgrade is complete.

Step 1: Turn on the Accuro and connect it to the USB port of your computer..

Step 2: Close the AccuroATLAS application if it is open.

Step 3: Locate a USB drive on your computer named ‘UPGRADE’.

Step 4: Save the License File, the OPK File, and the CHK File to the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive. To do this, right click on each link at the top of the page and select ’Save link as…’ or ’Save target as…’Do not change the file names when saving.

Step 5: Confirm that the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive contains the License File, the OPK file, and the CHK file.

Step 6: Eject the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive by clicking the USB drive icon on the bottom right of your screen and selecting ’EJECT UPGRADE’.

Step 7: Unplug the Accuro from your computer. The ‘Connection detected…’ screen will remain for up to 30 seconds.

Step 8: Press ‘OK’ to upgrade the Accuro.

Step 9: A pop-up window will appear notifying you that the Accuro is updating. This process may take up to 30 minutes. Do not turn off the Accuro during this time.

Step 10: A pop-up window will appear notifying you of the upgrade status. If the first part of the upgrade completed successfully, and the window below appears, then continue to step 11. If the upgrade was unsuccessful, please repeat steps 1-9. Please contact your sale representative if you have tried upgrading the Accuro multiple times without success.

Step 11: Press ‘OK’ and the Accuro will shut down. Press the power button to turn on the Accuro. The upgrade process will continue and a black and white progress bar will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. When complete, the Accuro will automatically shut down.

Step 12: Turn on the Accuro. The upgrade will continue by showing a green bar that fills vertically while the progress bar continues to indicate the system is working. Once complete the device will again shut down.

Step 13: Turn on the Accuro a final time. You will be notified that the upgrade was successful and prompted to set the language of the device.

Step 1: Turn on the Accuro and connect it to the USB port of your computer..

Step 2: Close the AccuroATLAS application if it is open.

Step 3: Locate a USB drive on your computer named ‘UPGRADE’.

Step 4: Save the License File, the OPK File, and the CHK File to the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive. To do this, right click on each link at the top of the page and select ’Save link as…’ or ’Save Linked File As…’. Do not change the file names when saving.

Step 5: Confirm that the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive contains the License File, the OPK file, and the CHK file.

Step 6: Eject the ’UPGRADE’ USB drive by right clicking on the ‘UPGRADE’ USB drive and selecting ’EJECT UPGRADE’.

Step 7: Unplug the Accuro from your computer. The ‘Connection detected…’ screen will remain for up to 30 seconds.

Step 8: Press ‘OK’ to upgrade the Accuro.

Step 9: A pop-up window will appear notifying you that the Accuro is updating. This process may take up to 30 minutes. Do not turn off the Accuro during this time.

Step 10: A pop-up window will appear notifying you of the upgrade status. If the first part of the upgrade completed successfully, and the window below appears, then continue to step 11. If the upgrade was unsuccessful, please repeat steps 1-9. Please contact your sale representative if you have tried upgrading the Accuro multiple times without success.

Step 11: Press ‘OK’ and the Accuro will shut down. Press the power button to turn on the Accuro. The upgrade process will continue and a black and white progress bar will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. When complete, the Accuro will automatically shut down.

Step 12: Turn on the Accuro. The upgrade will continue by showing a green bar that fills vertically while the progress bar continues to indicate the system is working. Once complete the device will again shut down.

Step 13: Turn on the Accuro a final time. You will be notified that the upgrade was successful and prompted to set the language of the device.