Accuro Neuraxial Guidance Software Upgrade Request

Ensure Your Accuro Device Is Up to Date
To keep your Accuro device running the latest software, please review the latest software versions below:

  • Below 001-00900 [7586]
  • Above 001-00900 [7770]

If your Accuro is not updated with the latest software, please submit the Customer Service Form to arrange an on-site upgrade at RIVANNA.

Easy Instructions

  1. Verify your Accuro serial number and latest software version for your device by visiting the Accuro HELP screen using the ? icon.


Note: Devices with serial numbers 001-00900 or lower do not qualify for an upgrade. If your device does not qualify, use the message field on the customer service form to inquire about available options; we are happy to help!

  1. Submit the Customer Service Form
  • Fill out the form with your details, including your Accuro serial number.
  1. Shipping and Next Steps
  • If your serial number is above 001-00900, we will email you instructions on returning your device to RIVANNA. Charges will vary based on the current Warranty or Service Plan coverage of your Accuro device.

PLEASE NOTE: Software upgrades do not guarantee resolution of any MIF activity on your Accuro device or repair of any physical damage caused by mishandling.